
Thursday, September 3, 2015

July in September

The calendar reads September 3rd, the kids are back to school, Labor Day is Monday, and it might as well be mid-summer. The heat and humidity continue to rage. The temps will be in the 90s again today, and the only relief looks to be low humidity over the weekend, but still in the 90s. Without air conditioning, I’d never survive. The schools where I used to be were not air conditioned except for a few areas.

The first place was in the city, and only the cafeteria and offices had a/c. The classrooms were hot as blazes. Fortunately, we seemed to have had only a few really hot days back then. And I didn’t have MS, so it didn’t seem that bad. The next school was in the ‘burbs, and a wealthy area at that. However, only the cafeteria, gym, library, computer room, and offices had a/c. My room there faced south (sun all day,) and it was between two other classrooms. Everyone agreed that it was the hottest room in the school. I tried to remedy the situation by taking the kids to the cafeteria or gym, or even outside under a grove of trees. The kids were wilting, and I wasn’t far behind. It only affected a few days at the beginning and end of the school year, but it felt like forever. In the school where I was principal, the same situation existed. I was in my cooled office, but I urged the teachers to find cool places for the kids.

Now, just about all schools are air conditioned, and despite the cost, I’m sure the teachers and kids are feeling much better. When I was hot, I didn’t have much energy, and the kids didn’t either. I think administrators realized this, and they pushed for improvement. Some sort of grant was received, and the community was urged to help by donating funds. My thought for my school was to ask people to adopt a classroom. With enough groups, they could air condition the rooms for which they were responsible. I never got the opportunity to implement it, but I think it would have worked.

Now, I’m just grateful that I live with a/c – I’d never survive without it. With the heat we’ve had all summer, I rarely go out. Now, it looks as if that may continue right into this month. I’m just trying to be patient and wait until the autumn winds blow in. Of course, in a few months I’ll be shivering in the cold.   




  1. I have thought it was an unusually hot summer around here, Usually nights cool off at least and that hasn't happened so much lately.

    1. Yesterday, 9/3, it went up to 96 -- the hottest yet! We almost always have the a/c going, day and night.

  2. Boy to I hear ya' muff, what a long and hot summer. I can't wait for cooler temperatures!!

    (I am all jumbled with Mike here, sad but routine is all messed up)!!!!

  3. And yes, us too, I could not survive with a/c!!
