
Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday Fragments

This past week really flew by – I guess I was having fun? Here are this week’s mental shards.

Out was Good!  I have to admit – sure, now that it’s behind me – that I was nervous about venturing out this past Wednesday. After being holed up for nearly a month, taking that first step was monumental. I tried to suck up the fear that I was feeling, but it kept coming back. I just didn’t want to risk feeling that horrible again, but, eventually, I slipped into my shoes, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door. I fretted when we got to the parking lot, but I eased out of the car with no problems, and my husband had the chair ready for me. My hairdresser was waiting, and she directed our entrance which went rather smoothly, and before I knew it, we were ready for the hair. She and I have a good rapport, and we slipped into our usual conversations – family, dogs, crazy people, her knitting – and we didn’t miss a beat. My transfers went smoothly, and before you knew it, I was finished. Now I know that the system works, and I’ll be ready for the next time.

Let’s Do It Again! Now that I’ve finally gotten over the initial outing, I’m ready to go again. I’d like to get back into our old routine of going out in the afternoons, but I’ll rely on weather forecasts. If it’s not excessively hot, we’ll go, if the heat is on, we’ll stay home. Today is another gorgeous day – temps in the 80s, no humidity, and a gentle breeze. I’m ready to go. After lunch, I want to go shopping to get something for my sister’s upcoming birthday. I usually shop online, but if it’s for someone else, I like to see what I’m buying. So, off we’ll go to the mall. I’m finally looking forward to going out!

All That Will Change: Everything good about getting out and about will come to a screeching halt on Sunday when the weather will once again get steamy. All next week, the temps will rise, the humidity will come back, and I’ll stay inside. If it’s not too bad on Sunday morning, I want to go to church. With the heat, my attendance has dropped off. That’s because I have to be pushed in the chair to cover the distance from the parking lot to the front door. There are many handicapped spaces near the door, but it means the car would sit in direct sunlight and be scorching hot. So we park under the trees, and the car stays cool[er] than the other spaces. I know God understands my absence, but I do want to return.

Cooking: I made a lot of beef bourguignon in the slow cooker on Wednesday, and my boys really ate it up. It’s so simple to make and I didn’t know how tired I’d be. So, it was the perfect choice. I have to make dessert for a visit to my sister-in-law next Friday, and I’m researching and checking my recipes. My kitchen doesn’t get hot with the oven on, but I’m not sure if I’ll bake. I’m wrapping my brain around a deconstructed fruit cheesecake. There’s no recipe, but I know I can wing it. I also have more zucchini – how much did they plant? – so it’s bread, muffins, and chips this time.

Books: I’m finishing The Supreme Macaroni Company by Adriana Trigiani, and it’s light and comical. I’ve read all the other books in her Valentine series, and this one is just as enjoyable. Her descriptions of a big New York Italian family are hilarious, and I love laughing as I’m reading. The library has one more book waiting for me, so I’ll report on it when I finish.

That’s a clean sweep of the fragments. Have a great weekend.



  1. HI MUFF so glad you got out and it went well. Reading your post is like reading happenings in my own life. Even the heat and humidity coming back next week is the same here. I,like you, will be inside with the A/C I am in the mend and feeling more positive again. Stay cool
    Love Gail

    1. Glad you're beginning to heal, Gail. Don't let this dreadful new heatwave get to you.

  2. today was light and happy, i like it that way. everything seems to be falling in to place nicely. i'm glad all went well at the salon, if you look good, you are bound to feel good!! have a happy weekend!!!

    1. You're so right about the looking good, feeling good relationship. Not only that, but just being out and with others does worlds for my soul!

  3. The Supreme Macaroni Company -- what a title! I'm not surprised the book's full of humor. I'm glad so much went well this week. May it continue to be so.

    1. I'll try to write more about this book later. The feeling well has its ups and downs, so I won't get too complacent.

  4. I managed to go get my hair "done" on Friday. It was sweltering hot and humid, and I was going to cancel. Hubbers took an extra half hour lunch break from work, so he could drive me, and arranged a taxi to take me home. The grey is gone and I feel great!

    The summer heat and humidity is daunting, but before ya know it, autumn will be here!

    1. At least we have that -- the summer really is flying by, and those cool fall breezes will be here before we know it. As for hair... can you believe it -- I have no gray! My stylist said it's genetic; my mother never turned gray until she was well into her 70s!
